Chinese Contemporary Artists

Li Tingwei

Born in 1989, graduated in 2017 from the Department of Fine Arts, Facultyof Fine Arts, Berlin University of the Arts, as a Masterclass student.Studied at Hunter College Masters Program in New York and TongjiUniversity, now lives and works in Berlin. She has had solo exhibitions atGalerie Lechbinska in Zurich, Mijin Gallery in Shanghai, Ware-Space inChongqing and Remainder Space in Wuhan.

Li Tingwei uses multimedia, images and video installations to organize the focal points of contemporary life, reproducing contemporary person’s incessantpursuit of self-optimization through imaging, texts, web videos, soundsand graphic symbols, focusing on the self-consciousness altered by theconsumer market and the digital media’s alienation ofone’s spiritual feelings and behaviors. In her video works, Li Tingweicreates complex narratives that juxtapose real events with mysteriouselements, unfolding many layers of semantics. The Seemingly absurd dramatization is a portrayal of reality that combines visual language,texture, and perceptual psychological methods.

Li Tingwei’s work combines interdisciplinary research, multimedia fusion,and deep reflection on contemporary life. Through complex narrativesand non-linear accounts, she explores social issues and challengesestablished beliefs, while exploring the intersection of object and image.


Featured Works

Stone Cloud

Li Tingwei, 2-Channel Video, 3’46”, 2021


Li Tingwei, 3D Printing, 25 x 10 x 11cm, 23 x 15 x 9 cm, 18 x 21 x 12 cm, 2024

Li Tingwei

Li Tingwei's work combines interdisciplinary research, multimedia fusion,and deep reflection on contemporary life. Through complex narrativesand non-linear accounts, she explores social issues and challengesestablished beliefs, while exploring the intersection of object and image.
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